Series Three, Drawing Five
The disaster staging area on the Quai Mitterrand. As viewed from a news camera positioned on the bridge. Our field of vision zooms in and out. The camera focuses on the firetrucks and then zooms out through the canopy of tree branches until we can see the entire promenade along the river.
Series Three, Drawing Four
The disaster staging area on the Quai Mitterrand. In the foreground is the pedestrian promenade along the river. Up above, the arching spray from the firehoses is visible above the trees on the Quai.
Series Three, Drawing Three
We are viewing the disaster staging area on the Quai Mitterrand from a news camera located on the Pont des Arts. In the vicinity, there are at least a dozen emergency vehicles and their rotating beacons flash blue lights in the darkness. Behind the vehicles, we can see that the wall of the Salle des Empereurs is broken open. In the foreground, the stone wall of the promenade is visible, as is one of the lights mounted above the pedestrian promenade along the river.
Series Three, Drawing Two
The camera zooms in on a close-up shot of a fire truck positioned in front of the Salle des Empereurs. Firemen stand around in groups, observing the firefighting operations. In the foreground is the silhouette of one of the trees that grow along the Quai. This scene was filmed by a news camera positioned on the Pont des Arts.
Series Three, Drawing One
Inside the firetruck, two firefighters listen to the communications system while above them, firefighters spray water into the Salon des Empereurs. This scene was filmed by a news camera positioned on the Pont des Arts.